Asiaray partnered with Gojek to launch the FIRST programmatic DOOH campaign by targeting audiences & screens around Singapore to raise awareness of their recent milestones of going IPO in Indonesia and communicating their latest promotion to get discount to go to any malls across Singapore using the promo code [GOTOMALLS]. Leveraging the proximity geofencing tool via the @Hivestack SSP and executed through The Trade Desk DSP, the campaign engaged with on-the-go audiences along the Thomson East-Coast MRT Line (TEL) and resulted in the successful delivery of over 210,000 impressions.
We expect to see an expansion of Asiaray’s digital inventory with the addition of 11 TEL stations, all of which will be available via the Hivestack platform! All digital screens will run approximately 16 hours a day, allowing advertisers to target TEL’s train passengers along their journey.
#AsiarayOutdoorAdvertising #Singapore #ThomsonEastCoast #MRTLine #TEL #Hivestack #digitaloutdooradvertising #programmaticDOOH #pDOOH